Back in March we were contacted by a well-known radio host here in Winnipeg named Ace Burpee to see if we would be interested in helping him with a special project that he had in the works. He was in the process of opening up a restaurant and was wondering if we would be interested in helping with some of the interior design. We had never done anything like this before so it seemed a bit intimidating, but once we heard the concept and found out what the restaurant was all about we were totally on board. His idea was to open a restaurant that served fancy burgers with all of the ingredients sourced locally, so that would mean that the meat, cheese, buns, vegetables and everything was all home-grown here in Manitoba. He also wanted different people in the community to help him design different elements of the restaurant so that not only would the food be local, but so would the designs and ideas. We were really into this idea and very honored to be asked so we totally jumped at the opportunity! Thus Market Burger was born!
We were in charge of designing the women's bathroom and we had free reign to do pretty much whatever our hearts desired! The only guidelines we were given was to ensure that everything was sourced locally (where possible, of course.) and to make the bathroom an interesting space for the ladies that would be totally different than the rest of the restaurant decor so it would be like the girls "secret space." We put our heads together and decided that we wanted to make this space a 1960's oasis for ladies. We wanted it to feel like when you opened the door you stepped back in-time to classy restaurant bathroom from the mid-sixties. (Think: Mad Men and the type of restaurants that Don Draper would be found drinking an old fashioned at.) So we wanted to create something less kitschy and more polished. We made that idea our jumping off point and as soon as we found this stunning sixties wallpaper our vision really began to take shape. We sourced a few more pieces like the hutch, chairs, lamp, and starburst clock from a local estate sale and the big mirror above the vanity was also thrifted locally. We added a few cozy touches in the form of vintage vases with plants that were from our shop and dim wattage bulbs in all of our vintage light fixtures so the bathroom has a soft, warm glow. It is a small space so we didn't want to overload it with too many little knick-knacks and take away from the gorgeous focal wall.
Here are a few photos we snapped at the soft opening party for you to take a peek at:
(It's tricky to capture the colors and mood accurately because the lights were quite dim, but at least this will give you an idea!)

We were in charge of designing the women's bathroom and we had free reign to do pretty much whatever our hearts desired! The only guidelines we were given was to ensure that everything was sourced locally (where possible, of course.) and to make the bathroom an interesting space for the ladies that would be totally different than the rest of the restaurant decor so it would be like the girls "secret space." We put our heads together and decided that we wanted to make this space a 1960's oasis for ladies. We wanted it to feel like when you opened the door you stepped back in-time to classy restaurant bathroom from the mid-sixties. (Think: Mad Men and the type of restaurants that Don Draper would be found drinking an old fashioned at.) So we wanted to create something less kitschy and more polished. We made that idea our jumping off point and as soon as we found this stunning sixties wallpaper our vision really began to take shape. We sourced a few more pieces like the hutch, chairs, lamp, and starburst clock from a local estate sale and the big mirror above the vanity was also thrifted locally. We added a few cozy touches in the form of vintage vases with plants that were from our shop and dim wattage bulbs in all of our vintage light fixtures so the bathroom has a soft, warm glow. It is a small space so we didn't want to overload it with too many little knick-knacks and take away from the gorgeous focal wall.
Here are a few photos we snapped at the soft opening party for you to take a peek at:
(It's tricky to capture the colors and mood accurately because the lights were quite dim, but at least this will give you an idea!)

We are very pleased with how everything turned out, and are especially in love with the wallpaper wall! We really loved the idea of having a feature patterned wall in the bathroom because we all know how much girls love to take a quick selfie photo in the bathroom. ;)
We were so proud to be there for the big unveiling during the soft opening party last week! It was a beautiful evening and we sat on the rooftop patio and enjoyed wine, mojitos and of course sampled lots of delicious burgers! Our favorite was definitely the butter chicken burger, we highly recommend it! Mmm...
Our friend Andrea McLaren was also at the opening party and she snapped this beautiful photo of the delicious spread (apparently we were too busy eating to remember to do that, oops!) Thanks for letting us use your photo girl! Be sure to check out Andrea's fantastic instagram feed for more lovely photos (username: @a_n_d_r_e_a___)
We feel so privledged to have such an amazing opportunity present itself to us and look forward to maybe dabbling more with these type of projects in the future. If you are a local be sure to stop by Market Burger on 645 Corydon Avenue and try a burger! You won't be disappointed.
XO, Stef & Erin
*Footnote: For those of you curious, the wallpaper was actually the only thing that we didn't find locally, we bought it from this website and there are tons of gorgeous vintage styles to choose from. If you are looking for a fabulous vintage wallpaper, I highly recommend checking here.*
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