Earlier this week Erin shared a little peek of what she had been up to lately so I figured it was only fitting if I did the same! So here is a little peek at what my summer has been looking like via my Instagram:

The main thing I have been up to is spending as much time outdoors as possible! Winnipeg summers are way too short so I always try to spend the majority of my free time outside. Emery and I went for a fantastic patio brunch with our new neighbours which also happen to also be our very close friends (Yay!) We are really really enjoying our new neighbourhood! We have been also making it a habit to go for an evening walk every night which I have really been enjoying.
I have also been breaking in my new kitchen by doing quite a bit of cooking and trying out new recipes like this delicious rosemary and dark chocolate cake. (A big thanks to Miss James for sharing the recipe over at the Bleubird blog)
We have also been doing a bit of damage control on our new yard; it is definitely a work in progress, but it is slowly coming along! I only wish that I could say that these adorable daisies were mine...*sigh*
The last few months have been pretty chaotic, so I have also been making it a priotiety to take some much needed time to just relax. No projects, no deadlines, just spending a day unwinding and de-stressing in our new home.
I'm also happy to say that we finally made it to the beach this summer! In the past we have always had so many prior commitments that it was difficult for Emery and I to co-ordinate our schedules to get to the beach together, but this year we made it happen! Woo! Also, is anyone else reading this book? What are your thoughts? So far I have really been enjoying it, and curious to see how everything will unfold.
The perfect summer ride and nope, this doesn't belong to me. Haha! A girl can dream though, right? This is another reason why I love summer so much: it is also classic car season.
Hope you all are enjoying those gorgeous summer days! Ta-ta for now!
XO, Stef
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