It's hard to believe that another week is done and we are another week closer to Christmas! Tomorrow Erin and I are planning on getting our Christmas display set up in the front window of the shop, which we are both super excited about! Last year we didn't get a chance to create a festive front window display because our front window got smashed at the beginning of December. (Remember that? Ugh, that was sorta the worst timing.) So this year we are making up for it! More photos to come, but for now I will leave you with a few things are are loving this week:
Ain't that the truth. (quote from Moonrise Kingdom)
I'm totally in love with this print, so much so that I actually just impulse bought it! Eep! And you can too, right here.
Usually I'm more of a summer person, but I'm not gonna lie these beautiful snow covered rooftops in Prague are starting to make me more excited for the snowy months ahead.
Would love to curl up in this cozy chair with a good book.
I'm totally in love with this print, so much so that I actually just impulse bought it! Eep! And you can too, right here.

In keeping with my excitement for winter, I'm also really wishing this cozy shag cardigan was hanging in my closet (or better yet, that I was wearing it right now.)
Everything is better with a little glitter.

Have a great weekend guys! Got any fun plans? When are you starting to set up for Christmas?
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