Our store tour continues onto the housewares section where you will find lots of kitschy knick-knacks from the 50's and 60's, scalloped shelves, and orange walls!

Here is a little glimpse into our menswear department...

Shop life is the greatest.

We wanna say a special thanks to Rosie for taking the time to come down to our shop and snap these lovely photos! You're the best! Be sure to check out more of her fabulous work here at www.simplyrosie.ca

We hope you enjoyed our mini shop tour! If you live in the area, please drop by and say hello! We love meeting new friendly faces! Our address is 223 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

If you don't live nearby, be sure to like our facebook page, Rhymes With Orange, for more peeks into our shop!

Have a fantastic day, lovelies!
Stef & Erin


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