Hey friends! Today we are going to teach you a super simple do-it-yourself project to jumpstart your labour day weekeend! We will be showing you a cute way to jazz up your tired old suitcases!
Sound fun? Let's get started!
What you will need:
-a sponge brush
-some pretty colored craft paint
-an old suitcase (preferably not something with a fabric cover)
-something that you can trace to make your polka dots (we used an old mason jar lid)
*this is a very inexpensive project because the majority of these items can be picked up
at your local dollar store!*
Instead of making a stencil, we decided that it would be easier to just use the inside of this lid as a guide. We picked our first color and filled in the inside of the jar lid to give us our first polka dot! Be sure you hold the jar lid down very securely to insure no paint bleeds underneath! Also make sure you wipe down the bottom of the lid after each circle just in case any paint did get through! If you make any mistakes, just use a damp cloth to wipe it away!

We continued this with our first color all over the front of the suitcase and then we did the same thing with the yellow and the turquoise paint!
After that we let it dry to reveal our finished product...
...and TA-DA! This would make the perfect accessory for any overnight getaway!
Still feelin' a bit crafty?! Well...
(click photo for link!)
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